
Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's a good day to be an Anglican Down Under

Bishop Richard Ellena, Bishop of Nelson, near to Nelson city's water supply. Something theologically significant about this ...

What a lovely day, the last day of our Bishop's 40 day, 1000km walk around our Diocese (of Nelson). The weather was brilliantly sunny and warm - very warm for early autumn. The walk up to meet him at his camp-site just below the Maungatapu Saddle was challenging, but worth it. I arrived in time for Communion, celebrated in the presence of the Vicar of Havelock and the Sounds, just a couple of hundred metres from one of the furthest boundaries of his large parish. I wonder how many times Communion has been celebrated in that remote spot?

Then off we went, meeting new companions on the way as they gathered at different points to join their bishop. By the time - some four hours later - the walking party met with the welcoming party for a picnic lunch by the Maitai River on the outskirts of the city, there were thirty plus walkers. The final kilometres after lunch took us to the Cathedral Steps. Some prayers in the Cathedral and the walk was over.

But the journey continues!

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