
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh dear

It ain't easy being an evangelical Anglican, what with opposition from progressives, ... and embarrassment from fellow evangelicals:

"The Right Rev Wallace Benn, the Bishop of Lewes, told the Reform conference of conservative Anglicans: “I feel very much increasingly that we’re in January of 1939. We need to be aware that there is real serious warfare just round the corner.” "

What brought this on? The threat of nuclear war being launched against the C of E? A predicted pandemic of persecution against conservative Christians? No. Just the continuing democratic process of decision-making in the Church of England General Synod.

(H/T Anglican Taonga for the report in the Telegraph).


  1. It is fear of girl kooties, plain and simple.

    Would someone please assist the bishop in getting his jackboot out of his mouth?

  2. "It is fear of girl kooties, plain and simple.

    Would someone please assist the bishop in getting his jackboot out of his mouth?"

    Muy profundo, David - despues solo cuatro anos de sicologia?

    Al M.

  3. Hi David,
    Re contacting me (cannot find the address you indicated). Google 'Theology House'; go to contacts pages and see address there but change 'admin' to 'director'. That should get me!

  4. 'Theology House Christchurch' might be better!

  5. Perdoneme - "despues de" - y quiero la alusion al fascismo - muy amable.

    Al M.

  6. Al M, I make the effort to write well in English so that all will be included in the conversation and understand.

    I also have two additional years of clinical pastoral education, let's not forget.
