
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Health & Wealth

I am delighted to promote this book, written by one of our priests in the Diocese of Christchurch.

It can be purchased through Amazon, the Book Depository, Barnes & Noble, or Westbrow Press.

Gerard describes the book in this way:

"a newly published scholarly but accessible book about the pursuit and acquisition of health and wealth. There is a chapter that discusses Chinese Religions as it engages Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in a secular context. More importantly it discusses how a Chinese religious worldview may influence Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity that continues to fuel its goals and aims. This book also gives insight to modern Chinese cultural practices and why Chinese people are driven to work hard because of their religious worldview to secure health and well-being. If you are doing ministry among other ethnic groups or wish to reach out to Chinese people, this book will aid in that understanding."

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