
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Renewed ancient vision

It is really good to see a clear, well-reasoned statement from our Cathedral Project Group in response to a specific plan by those keen to see it restored. The full statement is here. (Stuff's report is here).

The key phrase within it, which I can see at least three times is the title of this post, "renewed ancient vision."

Bishop Victoria Matthews is cited in as clear a statement as we have heard that the intention of the design group responsible for the new cathedral is a building which blends old and new:

"The Cathedral Project Group has repeatedly said that we do not want to build a replica but rather a mix of old and new. A renewed ancient vision that does reflect our past but also looks to our future.” 
She said “This approach is also more realistic in the current financial climate. We are currently testing design budgets and as soon as we know how much we can spend to build an inspirational building that gives glory to God, we will be releasing that figure. It will be substantially less than $100M."

The other vital phrase is "inspirational building."

I am looking forward to seeing the designs which are hoped to be made public by the end of the year.



  1. Hi Peter,

    The Bishop has got it right in my book. The first builders of the cathedral had a vision for the future. Today the city planners are also looking to inspire people with a vision for the present city. So why should the church be the only ones bound to the past?

    Especially given the future orientation that the resurrection gives to Christian faith. Besides, we could never recapture the original vision, only a disney-ised version.


  2. What a fantastic statement, and an amazing opportunity for the Cathedral congregation and the Diocese of Christchurch!

    In one sense (I don't mean this to sound crass, or to diminish the heartache many have suffered) I am jealous of this chance to shape a place of worship for today, and the future. Imagine the possibilities in terms of creating spaces that are warm, with good acoustics, comfortable seating, and with good lines of sight to the front etc. and those are just pragmatic considerations.

    The possibility of creating spaces that are reverent and practical in 2012 and beyond while honouring our past is proof that God can bring good from the most horrible situations.

    I pray that God will give wisdom to the designers, and that they will be bold, creative and forward thinking!

  3. I'm a great fan of Bishop Victoria. She beats not about the bush, but gets her points across. This annoys those who have a vested interest in opposing her wise input into the situation of our Cathedral. Vivat.V.!
