
Monday, July 22, 2013

Coming this Sunday

Here in NZ, where we are trying to be supportive of Australian cricket in its hour of need, but also distracted by yet another large earthquake rocking the centre of NZ, it is six days from Social Services Sunday. I am very pleased to post the following from my colleague Jolyon White:

Social service Sunday dvd

Social Service sunday reminds us each year of the need to get involved with the marginalised and vulnerable. What we do not always hear is that helping is a two way street. We gain as much as we give, and may even be in just as much need. 

Here is the link on youtube

Alternatively, if your church is reasonably close to Christchurch give me a call and I will deliver the file to you on a memory stick. (Higher resolution that way)

Jolyon | 0276122230

Postscript: light blogging at the moment. Actually so light I may just get to post your comments. Please be patient if it takes a day or three ...

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