
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Voices along the line

Communion or federation? A way through the mess or throw in the towel? Can we live with two tracks? Here are some voices worth a listen to ...

Mark Harris raises the question of leadership in the Communion at this time (and offers other posts below this one). In a running dialogue (or debate?) with Mark Harris, the ACI offers this vigorous apologia for the Covenant, and calling the bluff of the GC and its interpreters.

Nick Baines offers support for the Covenant as more or less the only way to hold the Communion together. His starting point is a post by Maggi Dawn which is worth reading in its own right for insight into where the C of E GS is heading on the Covenant.

Then Graham Kings reasserts the importance of Communion over federation in this article.

Colin Slee, Dean of Southwark Cathedral, poses some thoughtful questions about what it means to be Anglican, Scriptural, and embroiled in controversy in this sermon.

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