
Friday, April 30, 2010

When Mark and Peter agree you have gospel truth

Interesting. A commenter on an earlier post draws our attention to Mark Harris of Preludium picking up on Archbishop Peter Jensen's "post-crisis" phrase in his Singapore reflection (also posted below a few days ago), along with an essay by Marshall Scott posted on Episcopal Cafe. Here is one paragraph of Mark's essay, but I encourage you to read the whole, which is nicely illustrated with maps:

"Two different readings, two similar conclusions: The Anglican Communion is broken. The crisis has not been averted and the consequences are at hand. The failure to communicate across cultural, social and theological boundaries is too great for the moment. Distrust makes the notion of a viable Anglican Covenant impossible or irrelevant. The Anglican Communion as we know it is no longer. It is time to get on with the work God has given us to do - no matter that now we cannot do it together. That is their conclusion and I believe they are probably right."

This is the money sentence: "The failure to communicate across cultural, social and theological boundaries is too great for the moment."

1 comment:

  1. Quite frankly, I agree with Marshall Scott. It’s past time to recognize the obvious.

    If numbers of followers, plus a 19th century Calvinist worldview turns you on, then the Global South, with its numerous “rice Christians” is for you. If you prefer living in the 21st century, along with “those theological libbruuuls,” then the Global North, headed by TEC and the ACofC, is your game. (And contrary to what some people believe, modest but solid growth, is the norm in all TEC parishes that I know of in our metropolitan area). If you are one of those Anglicans who wants to keep one foot in each camp, sharing table fellowship with all, we Episcopalians are unlikely to brush you off. (I can’t speak for the other side on this, however. I can’t assure you that you would be “pure” enough for them).

    As a vestryman at a small, urban parish, I can assure you religious professionals out there that most Episcopalians I know couldn’t care less what the con evos of Nigeria or Nelson, the Sudan or Sydney, think of TEC. Most of the folks I talk with on a weekly basis have never even heard of the likes of Akinola or Jensen. And, they are not particularly interested in learning who they are.

    In our parish, we’re more concerned about issues such as should we or should we not take out several pews back of the organ to create a “kid friendly zone” to accommodate the growing number of parents with small children who have come to us in the last few years. Or, how we can expand our soup kitchen and food pantry now that the need for them has increased considerably.

    Kurt Hill
    Ascension Parish
    Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY
