
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fruitful Tuesday

Quite a nice day yesterday. Nice, for instance, to find rain in Auckland. So it's not just Christchurch being punished for its moral turpitude this winter :) Lots of fruitful conversations. Catching up with old friends, developing some new friendships. Some good humour along the way. A lovely eucharist led by another old friend. Engagement with Scripture. Good engagement without drifting off into a parallel universe in which Scripture plays no role. Yes, the 3rd Hermeneutical Hui of our church is off to a good start.

Meanwhile Anglicans elsewhere are thinking about things. Prodigal Kiwi(s), for example, offers some thoughts on priesthood in Tikanga Pakeha.

I am also trying to formulate some thoughts ... on a workshop on effective preaching in 2010, this Sunday's sermon on a theme in the readings, Christ-centred mission, which handily is one of the three key strategies in our diocese's strategic plan, and on heresies, especially gnosticism and Pelagianism.

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