
Monday, June 14, 2010

Two Episcopal Visitors Down Under

Today the clergy of the Diocese of Christchurch have been informed about the visit of the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, ++Katharine Jefferts Schori to the city of Christchurch. We will be able to publish details in church newsletters and parish websites this week to the people of the Diocese. There is already an announcement on our Cathedral website.

Later: please see updated report of visits on Taonga.

While some have been aware by word of mouth of her visit, only recently have 'hard details' of meetings been firmed up. Her visit to our city has been through invitation from Pihopa John Gray, Bishop of Te Wai Pounamu (South Island), and her meetings have been organised by Te Wai Pounamu as host to her visit. Close on her heels is another episcopal visitor, Bishop Graham Cray of the Church of England, who is coming at the invitation of the Diocese of Christchurch to lead two conferences on Fresh Expressions. This is the announcement concerning both visitors and events in Christchurch they are associated with:

"This year, 2010, has brought a host of church leaders to our diocese: the Archbishop of York; Barbara Brown Taylor and Bishop Graham Cray. ...
  • Fresh Mission: The New Anglican Expressions of Church

8-9 July (9.30am – 9pm Thursday, 9.30am – 5pm Friday)

At Lincoln University

  • Fresh Expression: Theology and Practice

Saturday 10 July 9.30am – 4.30pm

At St Christopher’s Avonhead

At the end of June Christchurch will receive a visit from Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Scheduled to speak in Australia, Bishop Jefferts Schori asked our Primates if she could stop over briefly in New Zealand on her way west. On the North Island she will visit Auckland and specifically St John’s College, and in Christchurch she will be hosted primarily by Bishop John Gray. You are welcome to attend a number of events that will feature Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. These are:

  • 27th June, 3pm, Powhiri at Te Hui Amorangi O Te Waipounamu, 290 Ferry Road. Those attending are asked to gather outside the marae by 2.45pm.
  • 7pm Evensong at St Michael and All Angels (corner of Durham St and Oxford Terrace). Bishop Jefferts Schori will preach.
  • 28th June, 2-3.30pm “In conversation with Bishop Katharine” - an informal gathering at the Bishop’s centre, Te Hui Amorangi O Te Waipounamu, 290 Ferry Road.
  • 5.30pm for 6pm “Conversation and Language – violent and otherwise” Canterbury Women’s House, 190 Worcester Street (between Latimer Square and Barbadoes Street) Women and men are welcome to this event. Donation of $10. Please bring a plate of finger food for a shared tea for after the talk.
  • 29th June, 5.30pm for 6pm C1 Lecture Theatre, University of Canterbury, ( near James Hight Library between Clyde and Ilam Roads), The address is titled: “Science and Religion – your context or mine?” Donation of $5."
Now, here is a question for Australian readers (or knowledgeable others): where is Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori visiting in Australia? To whom is she talking? (I have not been able to track down any web info).

So the global mission of TEC expands in successive weeks: Canada, Scotland, England, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Australia ...


  1. "So the global mission of TEC expands in successive weeks ..."


  2. Schori and Cray - chalk and cheese.

    (Note: you can't live on chalk.)

    Al Mynors

  3. I know that ADU is a hardline exclusionist, but I don't get how his sarcasm gets to be read as inspirational.

  4. Hi Anonymous
    First up: I made a mistake letting your comment through! The policy here is at least a first name, preferably a first and a second name.

    There is nothing sarcastic in my observation and I am sure Howard is genuinely inspired by the global aims of TEC.

  5. Hi Peter
    Ah – communications in your church! You now have the Presiding Bishop bilocating on Monday afternoon. You now appear to be going back on your policy (June 11) of not making “announcements before they are officially made by my church on one of our church's websites” – nothing on Taonga, yet. At least you are now giving the name and title of your “distinguished visitor”. Where is your church’s website announcement of the visit of Peter Adam – or do you have a different policy on your site about announcing the visits of people you agree with? And why do you have higher expectations of the Australian church’s communications than your own?


  6. Hi Alison,
    Good questions!
    (1) For various reasons I decided to post news focused on the visit to Christchurch, but mainly because the letter to the 100+ clergy of the Christchurch Diocese puts the news officially and widely in the public domain, where, as you pointed out the other day, it already was via our Cathedral's website. I believe a Taonga posting remains 'imminent'.
    (2) Peter Adam's visit is being organised by the Latimer Fellowship of NZ and not by our church's national office or any one of its dioceses. I imagine it will not be announced by one of the offices of our church; but Taonga may decide to post something about the visit.
    (3) I do not have a single consistent policy about items appearing on this site, apart from a general swaying towards matters (in my view) which pertain to the life and health of world Anglicanism, including the Anglican Communion. I am looking forward to Peter Adam's visit but I am not presuming that his visit is of the same significance for world Anglicanism as Presiding Bishop Schori's visit is (or, more restrainedly, potentially is).
    (4) I expect to hear both Peter Adam and ++Katharine Jefferts Schori speak, whether I think I am going to agree with them or not!

  7. Hi Alison
    You asked one more question, about my expectations of Australian Anglican communication.

    (5) It is my understanding, which may be mistaken, that the primary purpose of Presiding Bishop Schori travelling across the Pacific is to visit Australia. (NZers are used to this prioritizing :) ). Consequently I have wondered whether there might be a public sign of the visit. That there is non may mean a number of things, from me having unreasonable expectations, to the visit being of a more personal nature, one to one meetings with bishops, say, rather than public meetings.

  8. Thanks for the clarifications, Peter, they are helpful.


  9. Hi Peter,
    I think we need to have a "Where's Katharine?" competition for Australians. If she's visiting Australia before NZ, she's probably there now. Yet, there's nothing publicised on her web site or any of the more likely diocesan web sites (Perth, Brisbane, Newcastle, Melbourne). Is she getting around in disguise? Should we ask for volunteers to undertake surveillance near diocesan offices around the country, or airports? Offer a "spotter's reward?
    Andrew Reid
