
Sunday, December 18, 2011

ACNA recognised as TEC is kind of unrecognised

The Anglican church in Sudan (i.e. the Episcopal Church of Sudan, with more members than all Episcopalians/Anglicans in the USA) has come out boldly and clearly and stated it is recognising ACNA as a fully orthodox church. At the same time it is distancing itself from most of TEC, and disinviting PB Jefferts Schori from coming to visit the ECS. T19 has links: here and here.

Just a blip or the next step in a tendency for the wider Communion to view the church it most desires fellowship in the USA to be ACNA rather than TEC?

Time will tell.


  1. Despite, Peter, your enthusiasm for ACNA to be recognised by the world-wide Anglican Communion, in preference to TEC, I think you are backing the wrong horse. Apart from the GAFCON Primates, I don't think that Anglicanism is yet ready for the primitive fundamentalism of a resurrected Victorian understanding of gender and sexuality.

    Puritanical legalism was one of the problems Jesus had with the Scribes and Pharisees - for which he was offered up to the Roman authorities for crucifixion. Christianity is the radical spiritual renewal of God's unconditional love of ALL humanity - despite our failings.
    To ever imagine that redemption depends upon our own righteousness is a heresy that still lurks in the bowels of a fundamentalist Church.

    The advocates of a new 'Crusade' are forgetting that our salvation is rooted in the goodness of God-in-Christ - not human goodness. The old Prayer Liturgy of the Eucharist puts this quite clearly: "There is no health in us". But God has already provided his own remedy: His Incarnation in Jesus Christ: who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, has given us the only means of our redemption. As we live into Him and He in us, by prayer and sacrament, we ARE REDEEMED!

  2. Ron,
    To attempt to be clear: if I were the Autocrat of the Anglican Communion, I would recognise BOTH TEC and ACNA (and ACCan, of course). I think that would offer a broader expression of North American Anglicanism within the Communion than is currently the case.

    However I am not the Autocrat; and I do not have any influence in the Sudanese church. So it is of interest to me when they come out in favour of ACNA.

    There are millions of Sudanese Anglicans: are they all 'primitive fundamentalists'?

  3. Ron, dear Ron; to describe the ECS's beliefs as "primitive fundamentalism" is neither helpful nor courteous. Are you aware that there are more EARNED PhDs among Nigerian church leaders alone than there are in total in USA? Now; I know from another thread that you seem to despise such 'learning'; but that too is just plain silly, as well as being neither helpful nor courteous.
    Peter is making an observation here. Time will fully tell what the full consequences are. Meanwhile, this is NOT an insignificant move ...

  4. Probably not all, Peter, But obviously, enough of them to want to exclude TEC from the Family table.

    Christus natus est. alleluia!

  5. Re: I don't think that Anglicanism is yet ready for the primitive fundamentalism of a resurrected Victorian understanding of gender and sexuality.

    I had the privilege of being invited to the Pre Lambeth conferences in both 1988 and 1998. I well remember a particular well known and populist, but in my opinion, theologically heretical American Bishop stating his opinion that the African Bishops help their views on sexuality because they were primitive and educationally just not up to scratch. (words to that effect) .

    Thankfully later in the day another American bishop stood to apologise on for what his colleague had said, pointing out that the African Bishops were the most highly educated and head for head there were more PHD represented in their number than the American Bishops.

    My point. Just because someone may feel differently than you that does not make them primitive or fundamentalist.

    As for: The advocates of a new 'Crusade' are forgetting that our salvation is rooted in the goodness of God-in-Christ - not human goodness.

    Forgive me but give me a break. So revisionist theology is somehow Godly and not man centered. I must be missing something.

  6. Hogster; if you are 'missing something', devotion to the Person of Jesus, The Word-made-flesh, can provide what you are lacking. all you need to do is to humbly ask. PhDs are ten a penny in some places. They do not necessarily signify true Wisdom.

    "Where are your philosophers now? And who is wise among you?"

  7. Ron: I have followed Christ for over 35 years. One day in Glory He will provide what I lack. Until that day by His grace I live in hope.

    Christmas blessings

  8. Congratulations, Hogster, on your 35 years of following Christ! I only have 82 years of Baptismal Life in Christ. Maybe I'll be let into the secret of God's eternal redemption even before you do. God Bless You!
    Happy Christmas!

  9. It must be borne in mind that the Christians in Sudan have suffered indescribably in the past 50 years or so, and about 2 million Sydanese died in the decades-long struggle to gain independence for the mainly Christian South from the jihadist Muslim north. The Episcopal Church straddles both states, with many Christians in Khartoum, but it isn't clear if this can continue.
    As a consequence of this war, the new republic of South Sudan is one of the pooorest countries in the world. It desperately needs foreign help, especially the creation of an education infrastructure for the vast numbers of young people who have no schooling. I have a friend in her 70s, a retired headmistress, who is working tirelessly to raise aid for South Sudanese schoolgirls. Please keep South Sudan in your thoughts and prayers.


  10. Hello! Just stumbled upon your delightful blog and have added it to my Anglican "favorites." Got here in the course of doing some online research on Victoria Matthews. That research resulted in my discovery of a preposterous blog called "Thinking Anglicans" (liberals being the only Anglicans who "think", you know), which then led me to Google "Thinking Anglicans" for commentary thereon, and consequently to this blog.

    Keep up the good work here.

    Caedmon, an American Anglican with Kiwi ties.

  11. Ah well, Caedmon. Amazing how those 'non-Thinking Anglicans' led you to such a thoughtful blog as this. God works in mysterious ways God's wonders to perform. Merry Christmas!

  12. "Ah well, Caedmon. Amazing how those 'non-Thinking Anglicans' led you to such a thoughtful blog as this."

    Quite so. Didn't a prophetic message come from Balaam's ass?

    Then again, when I think of "Bishop" Jack Spong, I reflect that not since the days of Samson has so much damage been caused by the jawbone of an ass.

    A blessed Advent to you, Ron, and a Happy Christmas when it comes.

