
Monday, January 30, 2012

Last night's preachers were listening to the Holy Spirit

Long time since I have been to a service where the preaching ministry (shared by a husband and wife) segued into healing based on discernment via a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit of an injury present in the congregation, and associated with two specific words of encouragement given through the Holy Spirit. All rather lovely really, and a reminder that there is preaching (most of us most Sundays: God working, we might say, in ordinary ways through his ministers of the word) and preaching(!) (a few of us some Sundays, or a rare set among us most Sundays: God working, we might say, in extraordinary ways, wonders to perform, through ministers of the word endowed with particular spiritual gifts of healing, words of knowledge, prophecy and discernment).


  1. Gosh. right back to the beginnings of the Charismatic renewal in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, N.Z.

    This was first experienced by me in the Anglo-Catholic citadel of Saint Paul's Symonds St. Auckland, under the leadership of Fr. Ken Prebble, in the late 1960s. This was the time of the St.Paul's Singers, which I was privileged to be a part of.

    The charismatic revival in N.Z. was part of my new formation as a 'Spirit-filled' Christian. Let's pray that this little revival at whatever venue Peter was present, recently, might encourage more people to understand the Holy Spirit's ever-present involvement in the life of the Church. There then might be a greater opennness to 'What the Spirit is saying to The Church'. Veni Creator Spiritus!

  2. ... thank you for sharing that - a great encouragement to us all through your testimony.
