Ruth Gledhill says the bookies have suspended betting on +Welby of Durham to be the next ABC after a rush of cash on him. Chance has always been a fine thing in apostolic succession since the days of Mathias. I haven't been following the odds but I suspect bets on ++Welby won't bring in as much return as betting on Green Moon in the Melbourne Cup yesterday.
Remember, you read it here first that +Welby was the dark horse of the race.
Congratulations, Peter, on your insightfulness!
Noncongratulations to Anglicanism (once again!) for ensuring this is a non-story by announcing it at the time of the American elections. Where do they train Anglican media consultants?!
Actually I don't think Anglicanism has announced it yet. Only Ruth Gledhill.
I never bet on anything, Peter, I have neither the resources nor the inclination, but - if I were to bet on anything (!!!) it might well be this intelligent and charismatic, liberal-minded Bishop at Durham.
He seems to be a man of the world as well as a Person of the Church.
If it is Justin Welby, then I wish him all the best. He will need it.
It's official... well official enough!
Thanks Zane.
Here is a fascinating thought: our daughter Leah has just met the current ABC in Auckland at ACC-15. She met the next ABC when she was about six months old in Durham!
if true..and it seems it is..I wonder who was no 2 on the list. Rumour has it that it was graham James of Norwich. Norwich was chaplain to both Runcie and Carey. It would make sense to me if Norfolk who has been in post a good while was invited to be Bishop at Lambeth, a post that used to exist.His experience would help the new Abp find his way around things and no doubt suggest areas owhere the way recent Abps have worked that need attention and reform esp in how the Abp operates in national and church life.
Perry Butler Canterbury UK where +Rowan has a farewell service for the diocese on Sunday Nov 18th
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