
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Glimmer of good news?

I am reviewing my life in 2013, having hurtled too busily and sleeplessly through 2012, so one vow to myself, which I will not promise not to break, is to blog less. Sundays will be a blogsabbath. Saturdays may be too, or, if something catches my eye, a link to another's news or views. Here goes for the first Saturday of the New Year's Resolution ...

Bishop Kelvin Wright has a very interesting post on proposed new post-quake building regulations.

Read here.

The glimmer of good news? A very interesting titbit re rural churches.

Have a great weekend (from Aotearoa NZ where an atmospheric/climatic 'high' is of such proportions that we are forecast sunshine for days and days to come).


  1. Greetings Peter

    I continue to wonder about your decision to run four separate blogs (that I know of). WordPress has “tabs” – I understand blogger has “labels”.

    I could understand keeping very-different interests quite separate (eg. if you had an interest in lawn bowls it might deserve a separate blog) but your four shades of Anglican interests hardly seem to me to be worth more than 4 separate labels - even if that. For each one you must constantly try and seek a readership to make it worth your effort.



  2. Hi Bosco
    It is only three blogs as the previous one on worship and preaching is in abeyance.
    On the new preaching one my aim is to publish weekly.
    The hermeneutics one is 'occasional'.
    I will look into the 'labels' feature.

  3. Wise move Peter.

    On a totally different subject, Megan and I are doing the Pastoral Care Ministries course out at Lincoln this week. There has been a lot of spiritual opposition to the course, so everyone's prayers would be welcome.


  4. All totally your call, of course, Peter.

    It just seemed to me that you've built up a good community here. If you are now talking about cutting back on your blogging, but at the same time running several blogs of interest to relatively the same "clientele", placing all those posts here, rather than diluting their efficacy and reach by spreading them to sites less known, would be a plus all round.

    Just a thought.



  5. I will ponder these things in my heart, Bosco!

  6. Dear Peter, I agree with Bosco - that you have a valuable contribution to make with your ADU site. It is the only site of yours that I visit - simply because it addresses issues pertinent to ACANZP, primarily. Do keep up the good work.
