
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ad Hominem With Style

If one is going to make ad hominem remarks then one could do worse than learn from the master!


  1. Pity from an Aussie! Now that IS style ....!!

  2. .
    'Clive James, the British writer' - I'm speechless.
    But I am pleased that James reads and admires Dante. I only hope James will read through to the end of Paradiso and experience 'the love that moves the sun and the other stars'.

  3. Brilliant! I'm a big Dante fan, so a new translation is always interesting, but I won't be reading Dan Brown's new book any time soon!

  4. Oh, Tim, you're such an elitist snob! :) Read what this guy has to say:


  5. Peter, with all due respect, I don't think too many bloggers on ADU need lessons in 'ad hominem' from Aussie Clive James. Even I can manage at times to appear belligerent. However, with Pentecost approaching, I am praying for more patience.

    You will probably be glad to hear that I've just made my submission to the 'Ma? Whea' Commission.

    It was good to see you at Saint Michael's last Sunday. Blessings!

  6. "He felt as happy as a man who has something to be happy about and is suitably happy about it" - said Pooh to himself, licking the excess honey off his paws. "I do like a little something in the morning!"

    Thanks fellahs (Martin, Tim) for making my morning sweeter!
