Thursday, November 26, 2015

Stunning sermon

The best sermons are simple, telling us what we already know but may have pushed to the back of our minds or lost in the depths of our subconscious. This report of a sermon preached at the C of E General Synod, along with report of remarks made by the Queen and by the ABC is just stunning. Here is a Papal Preacher, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa telling the C of E ... that the Reformation was great, that we all would listen to Cranmer and Luther if they were preaching today, and, most importantly, preaching Jesus' own sermon, that we might be one, and pointing out that:

"“In many parts of the world, people are killed and churches burned not because they are Catholic, or Anglican, or Pentecostals, but because they are Christians. In their eyes, we are one. Let us be one also in our eyes, and in the eyes of God.”"

God is working his purposes out, as year succeeds to year. Bit by bit the fervent hopes of ecumenicists are coming to fulfilment.

As a rewarding Postscript for readers who have read this far, I commend this report of the Queen's speech at the General Synod. She is a wise woman!

Cranmer on Cantalamessa is here.


Father Ron Smith said...

Couldn't agree more, Peter. One out of the box (of merciful kindness) whereof some Christians are ill-disposed to make a distribution.

Of course, the Preacher was a Franciscan friar - not generally known for parsimony of spirit or benevolence, towards the poor, the lowly and the disenfranchiesed. No wonder Cardinal Bergoglio assumed the name Francis! The little hill-town of Assisi continues to exercise its goodly influence.

The hint of longing for reconciliation has a lot to teach our more conservative colleagues in the Anglican Communion - that Christian Unity is built more deeply on Christ than on our sectarian moralistic precepts.

Jean said...

Hi Peter

The story of how Father Cantamalessa became the preacher to the Papal household is in itself a God initiated form of ecumenicalism. Having been a professor for many years he had advised one of his students not to continue attending a more charasmatic house church. Fortunately he remarked women do not always listen. Anyway he ended up 'going to see' for himself. Then ended up 'going to see - just as an observor of course - a pentecostal service on an overseas trip.

Later he had a personal encounter with Christ whom He where it had been impressed upon him to give up everything (remarking as a Monk he thought he had already done this) and that he woulld end up preaching all around the world. So the next day he quite his job. The same day he got a call from the Pope....

So preaching to the Pope and around the world he is also the RC person in charge of pentecostal relationships : )

It does seem God also is in the business of ecumenicalism, funny that!!

As for Father Cantamalessa's sermons I do enjoy them, must put his books on a reading list.... next year maybe...

Father Ron Smith said...

"We should never allow a moral issue like that of sexuality divide us more than love for Jesus Christ unites us. Ay, there’s the rub."

- The Pseudonymous 'Archbishop Cranmer' -

Well, that's what the Franciscan Friar (not a 'monk') actually said. You either take it or leave it. Obviously, the Anglican Prelate isn't quite sure! Me? I take it as 'Gospel'.