Fast on top of the news that Archbishop Brown Turei (Archbishop of Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa) is retiring comes news that Archbishop Barry Morgan of Wales is retiring.
Just before everyone starts tidying up their CVs in order to apply, I know it is important for the former position that applicants are fluent in Te Reo Maori (Maori language) and I wonder if it is a deal breaker for the latter whether applicants are fluent in Welsh.
Yes, I know.
It is not the applicant/application but the church/discernment which matters!
Hi Peter,
What a wonderful opportunity for the ACANZP to draw a line in the sand and lead the Church along the " NARROW WAY to the STRAIT GATE".
It is ,of course,a moment of some importance in the life of the CHURCH to elect a person to this Office.While it is understandable,that the appointee is fluent in Te Reo Maori,one would hope that their fluency of the Scriptures,the Constitution and the Catholic Faith is of equal moment;for that is what their vows concern.
Unfortunately,I guess many of us, will have differing hopes and aspirations as to where the new Archbishop stands on various matters;the main emphasis for the Church is,Father may thy Will be done not mine.
Perhaps fluency in the Christian Language of Love would be even more desirable!
ReplyDeleteArohanui, Glen and Ron!
ReplyDeleteArohanui,Peter and Ron,
" Perhaps fluency in the Christian language of love would be even more desirable". (Ron).
Could not agree more. Fluency in the Christian language of "LOVE" is central to the proclamation of the Doctrine of the ACANZP as defined in Her Constitution (paragraph 1 - The Fundamental Provisions)-John 3:16.
But the "LOVE of GOD"cannot be "enthroned as an absolute value which is not subject to Biblical Authority.Jesus said:"If you love me,keep my commandments".
Therefore,when the love of God is proclaimed in the manner of the Progressive Christians, it quickly leads away from the Christ of the CREEDS.
So,one cannot move away from the CHRIST, which the Doctrine of the ACANZP requires us to proclaim, without heading away from the "narrow way".
If this is not the CHRIST of G.S.'s Way Forward,then the Primate Elect has some serious questions to ask of them self, before they take their vows.
Our family tupuna,the Rev R.T. Haddon,who was the Officiate at Turangawaiwai;said of his cousin (T.Ratana),"His theology is not mine,but leave him alone,we all must stand before God regarding what we preach in His name".
"Oh LOVE that will not let me go; I rest my weary soul in Thee.
ReplyDeleteI give Thee back the life I owe - that life may fuller, fairer, be".
"Wilt thou, love, honour and respect.......?"
You know, chaps; the older I get, the more I realise that it is love that makes the world go round. Everything else must be subservient to Love - "Faith, Hope and love abide - these three, but greatest of all is charity".
Agape! (nearly finished our 5-week holidays - so feeling more charitable)
ReplyDeleteJesus said: " Not every one that saith unto me,Lord,Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven:but he that doeth the will of Father which is in heaven.Many will say to me in that day,Lord,Lord,have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them,I never knew you:depart from me,ye that work iniquity." Matt 7:21-23.
He then follows this warning with the parable of supreme importance --- building your house on the right foundation-The ROCK(Christ Himself)"And every one who heareth these sayings of mine and do them,shall be likened to the foolish man,which built his house on sand." i.e. Obedience to his sayings.
This is not legalism.No works founded upon mere human effort,thinking or teachings are of any spiritual value;but faith in Christ the rock, brings about the regeneration which manifests itself in godly living."If you love me,would you not keep my commandments."In the finality,it is probably a photo finish between charity and obedience to His commandments.You may even see them walking hand in hand.
ReplyDeleteHi Peter,
The 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph should read:"And anyone who heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not,shall be likened to the foolish man,......"
Dear Ron
ReplyDeleteI am omitting a question you ask within the redacted comment below because, in my view, it over-personalises your comment. There is plenty to disagree with in comments above at the level of "content" without making a reply which involves personal questions (which can convey an implied judgement(alism).
"Dear Glen, what is it that you're afraid of?
Every sincere Christian understands the Law of Christ, which is intrinsic to the 'New Commandment' of Jesus. We are not going to be judged by how many souls we've rescued from eternal pounishment, but by the love we have shown to God and to one another - not based on their (or our) 'holiness' but by our compassion.
One of the most important parables of Jesus is that of the Publican and the Sinner. []
I must confess to you, Glen, that one of the most precious parts of my ministry as a priest is to administer God's wonderful gift of forgiveness to penitents at the Eucharist - followed by the administration of the sign of God's forgiveness and empowerment in the Body and Blood of Christ. All well-instructed confessors - after pronouncing absolution to a penitent - will then beg the penitent to: "Pray for me, too; a Sinner!"
ReplyDeleteHi Peter and Ron,
My fear, is that of seeing, our ACANZP travelling down the same wide way that TEC has elected to go.If one studies the theological statements be made by the TEC hierarchy,it is easy to see why the North American Anglican Church is growing, while TEC's membership is declining. TEC hierarchy is spending millions of dollars pursuing the departing Anglicans,(even litigating against them personally).TEC has lost it's case in South Carolina.If you want to see the folders of information I have on the matter,I am more than happy to share it with Peter.
So Ron,may I draw your attention to a blog on the Anglokiwi site:
re- Bishop Phillip Richardson--Gays and the Church.
In a blog following the article,it is stated: "Bishop Philip is surely correct when he states that, at this point in time, whatever his own views about homosexuality and its significance for the Doctrine of our Church, he is bound by the terms of his appointment as a Bishop in ACANZP to abide by the Constitution. This is a reality in the life of our church in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and until such time as this church elects to come to a common agreement on the issue of sexual-orientation and its concomitant doctrinal implications through a determination of general synod of ACANZP, the Bishops are constrained against any action that will run counter to the status quo."
So give us a straight answer Ron, - did you or did you not write these words and I ask you by what rational you say that at this point in time the Bishops are bound to the Constitution by their vows and at what time they would not be bound by the Constitution? And further, how is G.S. ever going to circumvent the requirements of the Fundamental Provisions that require, abide by the Doctrine as defined in the Fundamental Constitution. It is clear, that they cannot alter or diminish that doctrine; which by the way states that holy matrimony is between one man and one woman.
At this point in time I have little reason to believe that evangelical Anglicans in NZ would not find themselves in the same position as their American counterparts : if the liberal progressive Christians in G.S. are allowed to ride rough shod over OUR CONSTITUTION AND DOCTRINE.What INTEGRITY would such leadership have?