
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

What leads young people to Christ?

Good story with something to ponder about what draws young people to Christ.


  1. Thar really is a good story - and applies to all ages I'm sure!

  2. At the heart of this testimony? None other than an experience of LOVE. This should not surprise anyone who is familiar with the saying of Jesus: "They will KNOW you're my disciples by your LOVE"


  3. Hi Ron,

    The love that we show forth, is the acceptance of the PERSON and not their beliefs or actions. It consists of the "grace and mercy", given to us by the Holy Spirit; to be the candle of light, to shine forth the Gospel of repentance and forgiveness. "For God so loved the world,that He sent His only begotten Son; that Who so ever believes upon Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Ron, the love that God showed the world can be spelt in one word, "CALVARY"

  4. Glen, before Calvary - the incident that allowed it to happen - came the Incarnation; flesh of our flesh, that identification with ALL human beings, both saint and sinner, that showed God's total identification with us.
    "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us".

    In Jesus' death, He 'took away' our sin! - biblical!
