Monday, January 27, 2025

A Budde Right moment

Wow. A long while since one Anglican/Episcopalian bishop lit up the world's media (both mainstream and social), but Bishop Marian Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington, did that last week with her direct address to President Trump at the end of her sermon in a customary post-inauguration service in the Washington National Cathedral.

The whole sermon is available here (and obviously the whole is context for the final part, along with events of the day or two beforehand, including a flurry of executive orders signed by President Trump immediately after he was sworn into office).

The words that have become famous (for those supporting +Budde and her plea to the President) and infamous and objectionable for many (whether passionate supporters of Trump, or enthusiastic enemies of progressive Christianity, or simply agin women preaching) are these:

"Unity is relatively easy to pray for on occasions of solemnity. It’s a lot harder to realize when we’re dealing with real differences in the public arena. But without unity, we are building our nation’s house on sand.

With a commitment to unity that incorporates diversity and transcends disagreement, and the solid foundations of dignity, honesty, and humility that such unity requires, we can do our part, in our time, to help realize the ideals and the dream of America."

"Let me make one final plea, Mr President. Millions have put their trust in you. As you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families who fear for their lives.

And the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings; who labor in our poultry farms and meat-packing plants; who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shift in hospitals – they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes, and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches, mosques and synagogues, gurdwara, and temples.

Have mercy, Mr President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. Help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were once strangers in this land.

May God grant us all the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, speak the truth in love, and walk humbly with one another and our God, for the good of all the people of this nation and the world."

Like many people making comments, I have been enthusiastically for Bishop Budde. I think she was right to respond to the urgency of the hour - in the light of presidential executive orders about gender (there will henceforth only be two genders in the USA) and illegal immigrants, to (1) observe to the President that people affected by such orders were fearful (2) to ask for the President to be merciful to such people. 

Claims that what she said was (politically) partisan and not honouring the intended bi-partisan nature of the service do not wash with me. Trump crossed a line with his executive orders. As incoming President he exacerbated division and polarization in his nation. +Budde's sermon focused on the unity of the USA. Alarmed by the executive orders, +Budde understood that to be salt of the earth meant avoiding the blandness of saying nothing about people's fears. People are people, not pawns in ideological wars. Their dignity and well-being matter in ways which Trump seems quite oblivious to (at best) - at worst he may be a cruel man (as many think he is). If a Christian leader is not going to speak out when able to, when will it happen? If a disposition to speak up for marginalized communities is "partisan" then disciples of Jesus are and should be partisan! In fact, +Budde struck no particular "party policy" position; she made no claim as to what mercy might mean in respect of Trump's implementation of his policy positions; but she knew that Trump has some understanding of mercy - after all, part of his executive orders was to pardon a whole bunch of people.*

Of course some have taken umbrage at a woman - any woman, whatever title -speaking; President Trump has called her a "so called bishop" but I assume that was not prompted by his understanding of Leo's famous Bull about Anglican orders!; others have looked up her record as a "progressive" theologian and dismissed her plea for mercy not only as partisan but also as the usual drippy wet stuff progressives say; one Republican politician called for her to be deported (she is an American citizen by birth); etc. All this is ad hominem and does not deal with the substance of her appeal which was that this powerful ruler might consider finding the kindest route to achieve what he wants to achieve.

What has both surprised me and disturbed me is that in the midst of such comments Christians, Protestant and Catholic have poured opprobrium upon her - seemingly oblivious to the Christ-like, Christ-disposed substance to her concern: that a powerful ruler might show mercy to the marginalized. Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:3; Matthew 9:13; Luke 6:20; etc anyone? These past few days have demonstrated that global Christianity (not just American Christianity) is horribly rent in at least two parts. For instance, the Russian Orthodox support for Putin in substance seems indistinguishable from many American church leaders support for Trump. Is this the Christianity of Jesus or another phenomenon? (I have even seen comment that Trump is now the anointed supreme church leader for many American Christians ... how can this be so?)

John Sandemann ("Obadiah"), writing from Sydney, Australia, seeing some criticism of +Budde, makes this helpful observation:

"But it struck Obadiah that Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, who, while in the progressive mainstream of The Episcopal Church, has shown more grace to conservatives than her more extreme colleagues, did NOT hammer home her progressive views. She did not ask people to become progressives. Instead, she simply called for mercy towards immigrants and LGBTQIA persons, especially children. That Obadiah thinks was smart."

For some other good commentary read this or this

A correspondent (personal to me) this week makes this important observation about what underlies +Budde's sermon (and many instances in Christian history of people faithful to the kingdom vision of Jesus and to the universal unity of all things which Paul preached):

"... an offer from God of a "Beloved Community." In it, those formerly oppressed  would be freed from assaults on their dignity. Likewise those formerly complicit in oppression would be healed of the moral injury that their abuse of force had brought on them. ... Bishop Budde .... her comment to the new president is at least beside the tradition above. ... She is explaining that the unity of America depends in part on mercy and invites him to stand in that unity with her. The holism of her vision of America as God sees it and her inclusion of herself and her listener in that whole are what lift her remarks above mere partisanship and toward divine prophecy."

That is, in a world of polarization of societies, if not division of the same, and of divisions in humanity, if not brutal wars between humans, Christians of all stripes and persuasions, reading the whole of Scripture, with an understanding of God's purpose for all of history, to bring redemption (NT) to creation (OT), to secure a new creation of grace (NT) from the old creation of law (OT), tend to speak for social harmony, for unity among human beings, for dignity and respect for all and not for some. The Bible is a vision for a "Beloved Community" and not for a beleagured society with winners and losers. This commitment to unity, including a pathway of mercy to secure it, is a charism of the Christian faith. +Budde (whether or not on some things past and present has said things which place her on the spectrum of theology deemed "progressive") in her sermon was thoroughly Christian. Whatever Trump and Vance's personal situation before God, they do not embrace a Christian understanding which accords with this fundamental character of Jesus-shaped Christianity.

Well, that is more than enough from me. You will have your own thoughts. Save for one final note:

Perhaps we could all agree that preaching - a sometimes questioned aspect of worship - remains a very powerful possibility for saying something which speaks to the world and not just to the congregation physically present before the preacher.

The sermon is not yet dead. Long live preaching!

*Clearly immigration, controlling borders and the like is a complex matter for the USA, noting how successive administrations have largely failed to control illegal migration into the States (including Trump's first administration), and also noting how many parts of US society seemingly collude with illegal immigation by gladly employing such immigrants. Ditto, gender-based policies are also complex matters (e.g. how does a society affirm basic human rights of a transgender person while also affirming other rights such as a sportswoman's right to compete in a "fair" sports field). The point of +Budde's sermon was not to challenge the right of Trump and his administration to change policy settings on such complex matters. It was to ask that the implementation of changed policy might be conducted mercifully.


Ms Liz said...

This is awesome! Thanks, +Peter.

"... fundamental character of Jesus-shaped Christianity".

In all the turmoil, this question's clearly at the heart of everything - the only kind of "fundamentalism" I find appealing.

Takes me back to an evangelical church of my childhood.. in a prominent position above the pulpit hung an old-fashioned, floral, framed picture with text writ large:

What think ye of Christ?

Back then I didn't understand how deeply profound that is; nevertheless it made an impression.

Anonymous said...

Of course, narcissists are incredibly sensitive to any hint of criticism, and often responf with shaming, aggressive, ad hominem attacks....but, gosh, the dear bishop was being faithful to a vision of Christianity which is be commonplace to all believers, and is scandalous for not being so.

Long live the sermon.

Mark Murphy said...

Sorry, from Mark:

Of course, narcissists are incredibly sensitive to any hint of criticism, and often respond with shaming, aggressive, ad hominem attacks....but, gosh, the dear bishop was being faithful to a vision of Christianity which is commonplace to all believers, and is scandalous for not being so.

Long live the sermon.

Alice Bates said...

Thanks +Peter for this thoughtful reflection. Perhaps in some ways preaching is meant to be partisan… the content is relaying strong support of a cause! But it can be partisan in a way that crosses political divides of humanity.

Ms Liz said...

"thoroughly Christian" ... Yes!

Just enjoyed reading this interview from Monday, with Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, via The Hill.

“If I were seen as partisan, I think that would be problematic. But, given the way the country is divided — what I’m saying right now is perceived as partisan, but I’m not basing it on the Democratic Party,” she said. “I’m basing it on my Christian faith and how I how I interpret what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.”

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but the whole 'right leaning, traditionalists' are the bad guys narrative needs to end.

(By the way, labeling someone as a Narcissist just because you dislike them is absolutely not okay, commenter. Such a diagnosis can only be given clinically and smearing someone online is not a good look.)

Believe it or not, people can be conservative and want to protect their borders, their country, their children's perceptions of themselves, etc - without being monstrous bigots.

It's pretty obvious you have a heavily 'progressive', left leaning bias. Can you keep it to this personal blog and refrain from subjecting us to your opinion on foreign politicians on the e-life news letter? The man won the vote for a reason, and it's not because the majority of Americans secretly wish untold suffering on various types of minorities.

I'm quite sure many, many of us would appreciate that. It's really not the place to insert political idealogy and agenda. Not all Anglicans are super liberal, hm? We are not evil for that, either.

With all due respect, thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous [Jan 29]: Bishops are supposed to lead, which is what +Peter is doing. He did not judge anyone for their theological stance. It would be a sad church that censors its bishop for supporting a thoroughly biblical statement by another bishop.

Peter Carrell said...

Dear Anonymous [with understanding that in this instance anonymity might be preferred],

On the matter of policy, the last words of the post above are:

"The point of +Budde's sermon was not to challenge the right of Trump and his administration to change policy settings on such complex matters. It was to ask that the implementation of changed policy might be conducted mercifully."

I support countries having immigration policies (as we do in NZ) and also understand and support the US in its regular acceptance of legal immigrants - there is nothing specifically conservative or liberal about having immigration policies. The corollary is that I also support (as I assume +Budde does) the supreme right of any country to administer its policies including returning of illegal immigrants to their country of origin. Nevertheless, many countries, including the USA, under both Democrat and Republican administrations, have policies for exceptions, consideration of special circumstances (e.g. fleeing persecution) and so forth; and, from time to time, offer amnesties for those who are illegally resident. That is, there are possibilities for mercy to be exercised - and Trump is not actually a stranger to mercy, having offered pardons to the 6 Jan rioters. So, I am not particularly persuaded that supporting +Budde's appeal for mercy is somehow part of determining that conservatives/traditionalists/Trump voters are bad people.

Concerns I have about Trump in the diocesan e-Life messages are concerns about the impact a president of the USA can have on the wider world, including NZ - I am very concerned about the impact of US tariffs on our goods - even as I recognise their absolute right to impose them. I am also concerned about the implications for global peace of a US president (ie. a democrat and not a dictator) threatening to take over sovereign territories of other nations. That seems more the style of a Putin. And certainly isn't something I associate with conservative politics!

Mark Murphy said...

"Narcissistic personality disorder" can only be given clinically. But I would be very happy to supply that to Mr Trump if he asked. I don't this is very controversial.

Mark Murphy said...

More than 200 health professionals say Trump has ‘malignant narcissism’ in open letter

Tim Frank said...

I, too, was surprised by the attention given to the sermon. A sermon like that could be expected from a Bishop. I think the nub of the controversy is that she decided to raise two issues that drive many people to Donald Trump and populist right wing parties around the world: transgender ideology and immigration.

I think many people have seen the damage that transgender ideology does. As somebody who has known people with a child confused by by that ideology and the length they went to to give her a good life and take her out of the peer pressure group, I can fully understand parents and grandparents that fear for their children and grandchildren and the damage this can do. I'm not sure whether you know that most transgender folk are not old men who feel feminine, but teenage girls who as a peer group come to doubt their gender and identity. Even if there is no hormonal or surgical intervention, the damage done is great.
As someone who professes many times a month that God created humans male and female, I'm surprised that you do not see the evil of transgender ideology and that it cannot be compatible with a Christian understanding of the world.
In addition, the assertion that it is scientifically grounded has also resulted in a greater rejection of science and evidence by many people.
Because transgender ideology is so destructive, many people have also rejected progressive causes that are good and that Christians should encourage: care of the environment, reducing the gap between the rich and poor, regeneration of cities, a concern for the overall wellbeing rather than economic growth,...
That leads me to conclude that the whole ideology has been promoted by evil in this world and seeing a Bishop espouse that ideology is difficult to swallow.

Unregulated immigration has also driven many people to a more polarised view. As you note, this should be regulated, but with mercy. I think the Bishop is totally right to appeal to it in that case, but needs to recognise what a flash point it is in society.
It may just be the case that Donald Trump deals with that in a way that he doesn't realise: by making the USA a worse place and disenchanting people overseas off the American dream.
As someone who has lived in South and Central America and among the Latin immigrant community in the USA, I can say that currently there is an irrational enchantment among Latinos with the USA. Anyone who is anything makes it there.
One of the key tasks of the Church in Latin America and other countries is to give people another vision apart from unfettered consumerism, so that they can live more content in their own country or consider moving to countries apart from the USA (bring more Latin Americans to NZ!). Currently the church proclaims more the prosperity gospel rather in many places.

The last point to make is that this appeal for mercy was made by a Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the USA, not a body that is known for its mercy, but in recent years rather for its vindictiveness. As a church we have to show mercy ourselves if we ask others to do so.

Anonymous said...

The “not compatible” term you use is typical Christian rhetoric that is always divisive, the old us vs them mentality.

Irony is all I see in Bishop Budde’ s sermon since Christianity has bashed the LGBTQ community for 2000 years. The beatings, torture, burnings, and the pogroms continue to this day.

Now lets see whats in Romans 13?

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves… it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience (Romans 13.1-2 & 5).

If only it were possible for Christians to ignore the bits of the Bible they don’t like.

Regards Thomas